On-Campus Supervisor Info

The head of your department must authorize you to hire and submit time for student employees on the Authorized Hire and Timesheet Signature Form. Please read the Student Employment Polices and Procedures on Columbia's Intranet, the college administrative website.
Job Descriptions
Job Descriptions are mandatory and are posted on Handshake to allow students to apply online
To post your jobs, create an Employer Account in Handshake.
Job Applications
You cannot hire a student who does not complete an online application.
Contact students you want to interview for your job.
Work Authorizations
Complete a Work Authorization on IRIS when you are ready to hire a student.
Know the account you will be hiring the student in. Funds must be in your department’s budget for the accounts you hire (except for Federal Work-Study).
New hires must submit required identification documents to Student Employment and complete the I-9 Form, W-4 tax forms, and other payroll documents.
You and the student will receive a message if the student must visit Student Employment to complete the hiring process.
Do not allow students to work before completing all of the above steps
You will be notified when the student has been “hired” in payroll.
New hires will bring you a Hiring Checklist and Congratulations Form as confirmation they have completed the payroll process and may begin working.
Student Confidentiality Agreement
All Columbia College Chicago student employees are required to sign the Student Confidentiality Agreement.
Job Performance Evaluations
Complete a Job Performance Evaluation Form at the end of the spring semester or the end of the student’s employment, whichever comes first.
Complete a work authorization to rehire a student for the summer.
Termination Form
Complete a Termination Form when a student no longer works for you.
You must document the student received a verbal and written warning prior to submitting a form for an involuntary termination.
No documentation is required if the termination is voluntary.