Where to Get Stuff

This directory contains a list of vendors commonly used for portfolio related supplies and services. By posting this list, the Career Center is not responsible for any blah blah blah...(you know what we mean). We invite you to send us relevant links of other vendor sites which students may find useful at careercenter@colum.edu
Now with discounts!
Vendors in bold offer discounts for the Columbia College Chicago community.
- 1001 Free Fonts [Free fonts]
- Copyright Free Photos [Royalty free photos]
- Dafont [Free fonts]
- Open Clip Art Library [Public domain clip art]
- Urban Fonts [Free fonts]
- Your Fonts [Make your own handwriting font]
Cloud Storage
- Zoolz [Storage]
- Dropbox [Storage]
- Google Drive [Storage]
- Justcloud [Storage]
- Zipcloud [Storage]
Content Storage
- Celtx [Scriptwriting and shared production software]
- Sonicbids [Electronic press kit free trial service and samples]
- Withoutabox [Electronic film festival submission service]
Domain Registration
- Discmakers [CD & DVD duplication]
- Oasis [CD & DVD duplication and packaging]
- CDRom2Go [CD, DVD & Blu-Ray duplication and packaging]
Mobile Media Apps
- Prezent[iPad only]
- Folio Book[iPad only]
- Flexfolios[iPad only]
- Viewbook[iPad only]
- Portfolio for iPAd[iPad only]
- Padport[iPad only]
- Folotio[Android only]
- Creative Portfolio[Android only]
- XtraFolio[iPad only]
- Minimal Folio[iPad only]
- Viewbook[iPad only]
Online File Transfer
Open Source Software
- Handbrake (OSX and Win)[DVD Ripping]
- Q-Emulator (OSX)[Running Windows Software on Macs]
- LibreOffice (OSX and Win)[Word Processing and Spreadsheets]
- Celtx (OSX and Win)[Screenwriting]
- Audacity (OSX and Win)[Audio Recording]
- Gimp (OSX and Win)[Raster Editing]
- Inkscape (OSX and Win)[Vector Editing]
- Scribus (OSX and Win)[Desktop Publishing]
Portfolio Books & Cases
- Portfolios and Art Cases [Portfolio books and cases] CCC students, faculty, staff and alumni receive a 15% discount with the code CC15
- Lost Luggage [Portfolio books and cases] CCC students and faculty with ID receive 15% discount. Call 206-728-6044 ext. 102 to place order.
- Klo Portfolios [Portfolio books] 10% discount with the code MH10
- Brewer-Cantelmo [Portfolio books, cases and bookbinding]
- Pina Zangaro [Portfolio books and cases]
- House of Portfolios [Portfolio books and clam shell cases]
- Light Impressions [Archival resources, matting, clam shell cases and Tenba shipping cases]
- Portfoliobox [Portfolio boxes, books and binders]
- Jana Sim [Custom, handmade portfolio books & boxes]
- Talas [Book-making supplies and custom portfolios]
- Tenba [Camera cases and portfolio shipping cases]
Presentation Folders & Enclosures
- Envelopper Inc. [Pochette folders, string tie folders, and multi pocket folders]
- Paper Direct [Presentation folders and Pochette folders]
- Paper Presentation [String ties portfolios, capacity folders, and single & multi pocket folders]
- Paper Source [Enclosures and envelopes]
- Stylish Paper [Enclosures and envelopes]
- Company Folders [Presentation folders, file folders, document holders, portfolios, ring binders, brochures, report covers]
- Mohawk Papers [Enclosures and envelopes]
- Sappi [Enclosures and envelopes]
- Neenah [Enclosures and envelopes]
- French Paper Co. [Enclosures and envelopes]
- Paper Source [Enclosures and envelopes]
- Moo [Business cards, postcards, minicards]
- Got Print [All types of printing, Signage/Banner services, Design services]
- Ed Lives Here [Paper, Printing, Design, Knowledge]
- A & B Photo & Print [Headshots, comp cards, business cards, posters]
- 4by6 [Rounded edge & standard business cards plus postcards]
- Blurb [All types of book printing]
- Digital Hub [Substainable printing]
- Dot Press [Business cards and postcards]
- Headshotbox [Headshots and comp cards]
- iPrint [Business cards and postcards]
- Jakprints [CD/DVD covers and inserts, postcards, one sheets and business cards]
- Lulu [All types of book printing]
- Modern Postcard [Postcards]
- Overnight Prints [Business cards]
- Professor Print [Business cards]
- Spotlight Printing & Imaging [Headshots and comp cards]
- Indigo Digital Printing [All types of printing, Signage/Banner services, Design services]
- Cushing [All types of printing, Signage/Banner services, Design services]
- Vision Integrated Graphics Group / InfoComm Print [All types of printing, Signage/Banner services, Design services]
- Dr. Graphx [All types of printing, Signage/Banner services, Design services]
- Paradigm [All types of printing, Signage/Banner services, Design services]
- Urban Imaging [All types of printing, Signage/Banner services, Design services]
- Chicago Publishers Resource Center (CHIPRC) [Self-publishing resource center]
- PS Print [All types of printing business cards, leave behind/promos]
- WHCC - White House Custom Colour [All types of printing business cards, leave behind/promos]
- Lincoln Square Printing [All types of printing business cards, leave behind/promos]
- InoPrints | Chicago Printing [All types of printing business cards, leave behind/promos]
Print on Demand
- Presto Photo [One-stop Publishing]
- Paper Chase Press [One-stop Publishing]
- Magcloud [Publish, distribute or sell your content]
- Lulu [One-stop Publishing]
- Blurb [Make your own book]
- Society 6 [One-stop Publishing]
- CreateSpace [One-stop Publishing]
- inPRNT [One-stop Publishing]
Search Engine Registration
Self Marketing
- Constant Contact [Professional email marketing and tracking]
- iContact [Professional email marketing and tracking]
- Emma [Professional email marketing and tracking]
- Vertical Response [Professional email marketing and tracking]
- Mailchimp [Professional email marketing and tracking]
Storage, Display & Shipping
- Bags Unlimited [Audio packaging, DVD packaging, photo sleeves and matting materials]
- Uline [Boxes, CD/DVD cases and shipping materials]
Themes for Web Sites
- Hasaportfolio[Tumblr]
- Portfolio Collections[Tumblr]
- Tumblofolio[Tumblr]
- Inspect Element[Wordpress]
- Azmind[Wordpress]
- Designs Crazed[Wordpress]
Web Site Hosting
- Yola[Universal]
- Squarespace[Universal]
- Tumblr[Universal]
- Zenfolio[Photography]
- Wordpress[Universal]
- Wix[Universal]
- Carbonmade[Universal]
- Photoshelter[Photography]
- Virb[Universal]
Web Profile Hosting
- Portfolium (Columbia's Creative Network!)
- Behance
- Dribbble
- Pressfolios
Developer Resources