Location: Bangkok, Thailand & Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Program Dates: January 12 - January 22, 2025
Course: FASH 309 (3 credits)
Faculty Leaders: Allison Leahy
Special Course Fee: $3.540
Tuition: UG: Included as a part of the spring semester. Any credits over 18 credit hours will cost additional.
Estimated Additional Costs: $1,800
Course Description: Tour textile mills and garment manufacturing facilities while exploring the rich culture in Vietnam and Thailand. Students will meet prior to the trip to explore Sourcing & Supply Chain topics and prepare for travel. The planned visits will enable students to understand the benefit of global sourcing and the practical applications to the field. Further, during their travels they will be able to firsthand consider the global perspectives relative to income levels, cost of living, lifestyles and culture. Note: all fashion tours will be planned and coordinated by former sourcing professionals, as they are currently Columbia College faculty. Additional cultural activities include: excursion to the Mekong Delta and city tours.
Accommodations: Shared hotels. Daily breakfast included.