312-369-1111, 24-hour EMERGENCY
Columbia College Chicago provides a comprehensive safety and security program on campus. Our 24-hour Security Command Center includes dispatching capabilities and a sophisticated video surveillance and emergency communications network staffed around the clock. We continuously review the latest technology to ensure we are providing optimal security services to the community.
Our technical systems are designed to work in concert with each other to provide seamless protection. These systems include: computerized alarm system monitoring, emergency telephones in multiple locations across campus and proactive emergency notification technology. (AlertWave public address and Everbridge mass notification voice and text notification systems).
To complement our 24/7 campus security patrols, security officers use a marked security vehicle, Segways and bicycles to provide rapid response to incidents.
Columbia College Chicago has an after-hours SafeRide Program to help students and employees travel safely between campus locations and from campus locations to pre-designated mass transit stations. The SafeRide Program is available seven days a week from 6 p.m.–1 a.m. during the Fall and Spring semesters. Learn more about the SafeRide Program.
Relationships with Other Authorities
Our close relationship with the Chicago Police Department’s 1st Police District is a critical component of the Columbia College Chicago protection plan. We also foster close relationships with other local public safety authorities including the City of Chicago Office of Emergency Management and Communications and the Illinois Department of Human Services.
Residence Hall Programs
Dorm Life Fire Safety
This Chicago Fire Department video provides dormitory fire safety training. It is recommended for all dormitory residents, resident advisors, residence directors and employees.
Safety and security efforts at campus residential facilities are closely coordinated between residence life staff, security personnel at each residence hall and Campus Safety and Security. The residence halls also incorporate a range of safety measures including on-site security staffing at all times, regular building evacuation drills, 24-hour on-call administrators, and restricted key card access entry for residents. Residence hall staff also meet regularly with students to review safety procedures and protocols and, in cooperation with Campus Safety and Security, issue security alerts to residents when they become aware of a potentially dangerous situation or incident.
Ongoing Education
Columbia College Chicago educates students about personal safety and security, both on campus and off and informs new students of safety policies and procedures during student orientations sessions. We also regularly publish campus safety alerts online and augment our education efforts with online guidance for emergency response procedures.
Additional information
Columbia College Chicago compiles annual reports of campus safety that include data for the past three years. There you’ll also find a regularly updated listing of reported incidents that have occurred in and adjacent to our properties.
We encourage current and prospective students and parents to address any safety issues or concerns through the Campus Safety and Security or the Dean of Students.
- Staff
Located at 916 S Wabash, 5th floor, we are security professionals dedicated to fostering public safety and securing a campus environment conducive to academic and creative excellence.
In addition to our staff, we have over 60 private security officers assigned to supervisory positions, patrols and security posts throughout the campus. Inclusive in their training of security procedures, officers receive instruction in emergency preparedness, first aid and AED.
We also elicit the support of over 200 Fire Safety Marshals, as well as, staff members located throughout our campus facilities, to assist in emergency evacuations and security concerns. Our commitment to our College community extends beyond our Campus to include partnerships with local and federal law enforcement agencies and affiliations with security professionals from other higher educational institutions (SCOPE) and commercial properties (BOMA) in the Greater Business District of the City of Chicago.