Book an Event Space
Event Planning Checklist
- Check Space Availability
You can check for space availability through the Space Scheduler.
2. Request Space and Resources
After checking availability, login to the Space Scheduler and put in a request for the space, as well as the resources you need. Students can login using their Columbia ID. Faculty and Staff use their network logins. Please contact Space & Scheduling at space.colum.edu or (312) 369-3290 for any questions regarding use of the software system, EMS.
Students: individual students, student organizations or faculty sponsored student events are limited to TWO performance events per semester. Considerations for recurring meetings will be made on a case-by-case basis. Contact Matt Medwecky for additional questions at mmedwecky@colum.edu
All students must be working in conjunction with a faculty member, academic department, or official student organization when requesting a space on campus. Students acting independently of a student organization or requesting space as part of a class must have faculty or staff support. The following form must be completed and returned to the DEPS Events Coordinator a minimum of 4 weeks prior the event date:
Faculty and Staff Event Support Agreement Form.
Note: This form does not need to be filled out by any recognized student organization for events.
Alumni: Alumni must be working in-conjunction with the Office of Alumni Relations to submit a space request. Alumni are subject to the same procedures as external organizations. For more information, please contact Space & Scheduling at space@colum.edu or (312) 369-3290. Join the alumni network to receive full benefits.
External organizations: External organizations must be partnered with, or have the approval of, an academic department, administrative department, or student organization. Rental fees may apply and a certificate of insurance will be required. All events in DEPS spaces, including those involving external organizations, MUST be free and open to current Columbia students. Click here to access the Event Rental Request Form. For more information on Non-College events, please contact Space & Scheduling at space@colum.edu or (312) 369-3290.
Space requests should include as much information as possible, including:
- Setup, cleanup, and event times
- Expected attendance
- Furniture setup needs (tables, chairs, etc)
- Technical needs
- Event summary
Your event is not booked until you receive a confirmation from the DEPS Events & Space Manager.
- Once your event is scheduled, additional event planning steps may include:
Building Hours
DEPS spaces are all subject to the hours of the buildings in which they are located. All events must be completed and all event organizers and attendees out of the building by the scheduled building closing time. Check here to view current building hours.
Building hours can be extended with 3 weeks advance notice. There is a fee. To extend building hours, visit the college's Event Management System.
Your event may require additional security, especially if a large crowd is expected. To arrange for additional security, visit the college's Event Management System. 3 weeks advance notice is required and a fee is charged.
If you will be serving food, Building Services needs to be informed for the proper trash removal, recycling, and composting. Click here to make 360 Request regarding trash and recycling needs:
Technical Needs
For the 2023-2024 academic year the tech fees and policies for DEPS spaces are as follows:
- Only DEPS AV technicians are permitted to operate DEPS sound and lighting equipment.
- All technical needs must be sent to Ted Cho, DEPS Technical Coordinator, tcho@colum.edu at least 2 weeks prior to the event date. If less than 2 weeks notice is provided, AV assistance is not guaranteed.
- Student Events:
- Student sponsored events will NOT incur any technician fees for performance events requiring support (limit two events per semester) hosted Monday - Friday before 9pm.
- Events ending later than 9pm or hosted on weekends, will be charged tech fees at $20/hour for a minimum of 3 hours.
- Faculty, Staff, Alumni, and External events
- Weekdays when staffing is unavailable, $20/hour
- Weekdays, after 5pm and weekends $20/hour
- There is a three-hour minimum for all weeknight and weekend tech fees.
- If an event or the need of AV technician is cancelled, a 48 hour notice must be given or event organizers will be charged the three-hour tech minimum fee.
Important Regulations For DEPS Facilities:
- No open flames or candles
- Fog machines are prohibited on campus
- No animals, fish, or insects are allowed in DEPS facilities
- Faculty advisor or college representative must be present for the entire event. If stated advisor or representative is not present, requesting event may lose event privileges.
- Events must be free to current Columbia studentsThe student organization or college representative booking the event is responsible for the setup and cleanup of the event and any damage made to the space.
- Flyers for events must be posted in designated areas around campus. Flyers posted on the walls, columns, and lobby areas of DEPS spaces may be removed at the discretion of DEPS staff.
- Space requests more than 6 months in advance will be marked as "tentative" and are subject to further review closer to the event date.
- Spaces must be left in the condition in which they were found. No holes in the walls, and no painting. Any adhesives used must be non-residue stickies, such as Fun-Tak, 3M hooks or blue painters tape.
Why might your event be denied?
- Space is already booked.
- Request is not made within the allotted timeframe, which is decided by space approver.
- There is an extensive setup in place for upcoming event that cannot be altered.
- Not enough time between events to adequately breakdown and reconfigure space or tech needs.
- Event is taking place outside of the normal building hours and proper security clearence is not met.