Get Involved

Student Spaces for Art and Collaboration is not currently accepting exhibition proposals for Glass Curtain Gallery and C33 Gallery. Proposals for exhibitions submitted by current students of Columbia College Chicago will be accepted.


Student Spaces for Art and Collaboration offers two How-To Guides that are helpful:

How to Create a Professional Exhibition Proposal

How to Install Artwork

Interested in the Gallery Management Practicum? 
The Gallery Management Practicum is open to undergraduate and graduate students of all majors. This and other exhibition and curatorial courses are offered through the Visual Arts Concentration of the Arts Management BA and the Arts Management MA in the Business and Entrepreneurship department at Columbia College Chicago. 

For more information: contact Robert Blandford, Associate Professor:

Student Curators

The Department of Exhibition and Performance Spaces (DEPS) is dedicated to the College's mission to develop and showcase student bodies of work by providing hands-on experience with all aspects of the exhibition process. Students can submit artwork for exhibitions, assist with gallery installations, work with visiting artists, attend workshops and panel discussions, apply for employment opportunities and curate exhibitions.

Curating exhibitions is a learning experience that provides students the opportunities to develop their curatorial voice through the process of choosing artwork and designing an installation to communicate a vision. It provides a unique perspective into the exhibition planning process. Curating allows students to voice what type of art they would like to see, what issues they would like discussed and what installation designs they would like to explore.

A Student Curatorial Guide is available for download on the right column of this page. To provide more information about curating from the student perspective, below are personal interviews with past student curator Michelle Graves:

An Interview with Student Curator: Michelle Graves


Student Curatorial Guide Supplement


Curatorial Review Board


The Curatorial Review Board is an advisory board comprised of annually rotating undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, alumni, media relations and departmental staff. The Board reviews exhibition proposals semi-annually, guiding and coordinating department programming efforts. The Board also provides assistance in ensuring a fair representation of the Columbia College community that corresponds with the mission of blending traditional pedagogy with a cutting-edge, hands-on approach to education.

