The Student Programming Board (SPB) is a student organization committed to planning, promoting, and producing campus-wide programs that create and foster the unique artistic community on Columbia's campus.
We are a diverse, hard-working group of students who "live what we love" and gain real-world experience daily. Some of our tasks include creating a production where members get real-world experience, working on contracts when booking artists, coordinating with graphic designers to develop cohesive marketing campaigns, and creating and maintaining relationships with sponsors. With support from our advisor, staff, and administrators, SPB is primarily student-led.
Because SPB is student-led, we are always looking for new members to join. Feel free to join on the Engage App; all are welcome!
Join SPB to gain real-world event planning experience and get involved on campus, and all majors and grade levels are welcome.
SPB meets every Monday at 5 p.m. in the Student Center, 754 S. Wabash, 2nd Floor Loft in the Student Life Office, during the Fall and Spring semesters. Find us on social media for additional information about us and our upcoming events!
Instagram: @spbcolumbia
Colum Email: