The College recognizes that individuals who feel they have been victims of Sex Discrimination may require time and support in considering whether or how to participate in any College or law enforcement process. The College also recognizes that individuals who have been accused of Sex Discrimination may also require support. There are confidential resources on campus and in the community available to any individual who needs support or assistance.
Individuals wishing to receive confidential assistance without making a Report to the College may speak with the College’s Confidential Advisor. This confidential resource has been specifically trained to provide confidential assistance in connection with Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking, but is also available to assist in connection with other types of Sex Discrimination. A Confidential Advisor will not report your circumstances to the College without your permission unless otherwise required to do so by law (such as when the victim is a minor).
The College has designated the following Confidential Advisor:
Charee Mosby-Holloway
Director of Student Diversity & Inclusion
618 S. Michigan, 4th Floor
(312) 369-7994
Confidential Employees are not required to report potential Sex Discrimination to the Title IX Coordinator.
The following are Confidential Employees on campus:
For Students:
Center for Student Wellbeing at Columbia College Chicago
(Professional Counselors)
623 S. Wabash, Suite 303
For Employees:
Susan Kerns
Associate Provost for Faculty Research And Development
1104 S. Wabash, Room 701-K
(312) 369-6795
The College offers additional health and mental health services through partnered third-party online providers, including the Employee Assistance Program/Telus Health (for employees) and TimelyCare (for students). Please note, however, that the professionals from these online partners do not constitute “Confidential Employees” under this Policy as they are not College employees. Third-party providers may have additional disclosure obligations and responsibilities.