Student Technology Toolbox Index

This page describes the computer hardware and software required for students currently enrolled in each of Columbia’s majors. Since Fall of 2022 the Technology toolbox program requires incoming students to obtain and bring appropriate technology that meets the technology requirements listed below to their courses.

The Technology Toolbox identifies:

As a college that prepares future creative professionals, Columbia believes it is essential our students be equipped with the technology that meets the standards for their field. With this in mind, the college has obtained licenses for many software programs students can access, free of charge. Further, faculty in each of our disciplines have recommended specific hardware and software for students to purchase independently.

Some students may need to use their financial aid package to purchase their educational technology. To discuss your financial plan, please contact Columbia Central at or at 312-369-7140.

Educational Discounts

Apple student discounts Apple Education Site standard education discount with customizable configurations.
Lenovo student discounts Standard Student Discount Page with fully customizable configurations
Lenovo Partner Discount Site Lenovo Partner Discount Site with limited selection, better discount, quick shipping but no customization. These models meet the requirements of some tiers but not all. *NOTE: some off these laptops can also be upgraded after purchase to meet requirements.

Laptop Tiers

Personal computer requirements for Columbia students fall into one of the five tiers described in this section. You can read the specifications for each tier by clicking on its name. You can find the tier recommended for your major by referring to the table in the section below.

Be sure to also check the FAQ section at the bottom of this page for additional hardware and software requirements specific to some majors.

Any Device Any device that meets minimal requirements basic courses. 
*The Chromebook, and iPad option may not run software required for all courses and may require use of Virtual Desktop software to access some course software.
Creative Baseline Intel, AMD or Apple M2 processor with 64-bit support; 2 GHz or faster
* Adobe Creative Cloud Minimum Requirements
**Adobe uses minimum specifications per application we use Photoshop as a baseline
Audio / Music Meets Creative baseline with some additional audio requirements
Media Creation Faster CPU and more RAM helps meet the recommended specs for Adobe After Effects and Premiere.
3D / Edit Better Processor and Dedicated GPU for more intensive graphics application. 

Recommended Laptop Tier by Program and Department

School Major Recommended Laptop Tier 
School of Audio and Music Acoustics
Audio Arts
Audio Design and Production
Live and Installed Sound
Music Technology
Sound Design


Audio / Music
* additional tech requirements Audio
School of Audio and Music Composition
Composition and Production Contemporary, Jazz and Popular Music
Contemporary, Urban, and Popular Music
Music Composition Music
Composition for the Screen
Audio / Music
* additional tech requirements Music
School of Business and Entrepreneurship Advertising Creative Baseline
School of Business and Entrepreneurship Arts Management
Arts Entertainment and Media Management
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Entrepreneurship for Creatives
Music Business
Public Realtions
Social Media and Digital Strategy
Any Device
School of Business and Entrepreneurship Design Management Media Creation
School Communication and Culture American Sign Language-English Interpretation
Cultural Studies
Deaf Studies
Any Device
School Communication and Culture Civic Media
Creative Writing
Marketing Communication
Public Relations
Media for Social Impact
Strategic Communication
Creative Baseline
School Communication and Culture
Media Creation
* additional tech requirements Photojournalism
School Communication and Culture Radio Audio / Music
School of Design Advertising Art Direction
Graphic Design
Media Creation
School of Design Enviromental and Sustainability Studies Creative Baseline
School of Design Animation
Computer Animation
Game Art
Game Design
Game Programming
Immersive Media
Interaction Design
Traditional Animation
User Experience and Interactive Design
3D / Edit
* additional tech requirements Game
School of Design Interior Architecture 3D / Edit * additional tech requirements Interior Achitecture
School of Fashion Fashion Business
Fashion Studies
Creative Baseline
* additional tech requirements Fashion
School of Fashion Fashion Design 3D / Edit
* additional tech requirements Fashion
School of Film and Television Cinema and Television Directing
Cinema and Televiaion Producing
Cinema Art and Science
Film and Television
Interdisciplinary Documentary
Television Writing and Business
3D / Edit
* additional tech requirements Film
School of Theatre and Dance Acting
Acting and Contemporary Performance Making
Comedy Writing and Performance
Musical Theatre
Musical Theatre Performance
Any Device
School of Theatre and Dance Theatre Design and Technology Media Creation
School of Theatre and Dance Dance Creative Baseline
* additional tech requirements Dance
School of Visual Arts Art History
Fine Arts
Creative Baseline
School of Visual Arts Illustration
Media Creation
No Department Exploratory
No Major Nodegree Seeking
Any Device

Major-specific Requirements and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
