Information Technology

Comprehensive training resources for Office 365 can be found in the table below. The table houses links to detailed Microsoft training documents, which give a quick overview of the most utilized Office 365 applications on campus, as well as all-inclusive LinkedIn learning tutorials.

LinkedIn Learning is the premier online training resource available to faculty and staff seeking exceptional, current and relevant software training, including Office 365. Before clicking on a LinkedIn Learning training resource below, just log in to Office 365, click on the LinkedIn Learning link in your applications list to get started.

This instructional guide will demonstrate how to find LinkedIn Learning within Office 365.

For instructions on how to set up your Office 365 account, you may watch this instructional video which will walk you through the process. For Office 365 login support, please contact Technology Support by phone at 312-369-7001 or by email at Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. If you need to reset your password, you may also follow these steps in order to do so.


Microsoft Training Documents

LinkedIn Learning Training Tutorials


For Mac users, this Microsoft training document for Outlook gives a basic overview of the application. For PC users, this Microsoft training document for Outlook gives a basic overview of the application. For Mac users, this introductory course for Microsoft Outlook will show users how to set up and manage their email accounts within the Outlook mail client. For PC users, this introductory course for Microsoft Outlook will show users how to set up and manage their email accounts within the Outlook mail client.



For Mac users, this Microsoft training document for Calendar gives a basic overview of the application. For PC users, this Microsoft training document for Calendar gives a basic overview of the application. For Mac users, this introductory course will show users how to use the Microsoft Calendar features within Outlook for Mac. For PC users, this introductory course will show users how to use the Microsoft Calendar features within Outlook for PC.




For Mac Users, this Microsoft training document for Word gives a basic overview of the application. For PC Users, this Microsoft training document for Word gives a basic overview of the application. For Mac users, this introductory course for Microsoft Word shows users how to use the robust word processing software. For PC Users, this introductory course for Microsoft Word shows users how to use the robust word processing software.



For Mac Users, this Microsoft training document for PowerPoint gives a basic overview of the application. For PC users, this Microsoft training document for PowerPoint gives a basic overview of the application. For Mac users, this introductory course for Microsoft PowerPoint introduces the interface, navigation, and presentation tools available within PowerPoint. For PC users, this introductory course for Microsoft PowerPoint introduces the interface, navigation, and presentation tools available within PowerPoint.



For Mac users, this Microsoft training document for Excel gives a basic overview of the application. For PC users, this Microsoft training document for Excel gives a basic overview of the application. For Mac users, this introductory course for Microsoft Excel introduces how to create a workbook, formulas, and formatting within Excel. For PC users, this introductory course for Microsoft Excel introduces how to create a workbook, formulas, and formatting within Excel.


One Note

For Mac users, this Microsoft training document for OneNote gives a basic overview of the application. For PC users, this Microsoft training document for OneNote gives a basic overview of the application. For Mac users, this introductory course for OneNote shows users how to create and manage digital notebooks within Microsoft's note taking application. For PC users,this introductory course for OneNote shows users how to create and manage digital notebooks within Microsoft's note taking application.


One drive

This Microsoft training document for OneDrive gives a basic overview of the application. This introductory course for OneDrive introduces Microsoft's cloud-based file storage system, and explains how OneDrive can be integrated with other Microsoft applications.

Microsoft Teams


This Microsoft training document for Microsoft Teams gives a basic overview of the application. This introductory course for Microsoft Teams shows the essentials of using Teams, starting with basic setup, creating new teams, and joining existing teams. Topics covered include how to use the chat feature, scheduled meetings, create impromptu meetings, and sharing files in Teams.

Accessibility in Microsoft Office 365 

Microsoft adheres to the accessibility standards of WCAG 2.0 and Section 508. All applications and tools in the Office 365 suite are routinely tested for accessibility compliance through Microsoft’s accessibility testing program. As a part of these ongoing assessments, assistive technology is used to complete tasks in Office 365 applications to measure effectiveness and usability. The core of Office 365 offers many key accessibility features and compatibility with assistive technology.  

Accessibility Checker 

An accessibility checker is built into various Office 365 applications, which include Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote. It is recommended to use this tool to verify that your emails and documents are accessible prior to sharing with others. If any issues are present that would prevent someone from effectively viewing your message or document, you will be prompted to make suggested changes through the checker. The accessibility checker can be found in the software applications for Mac and PC, as well as within the web-based versions of the programs.  

Keyboard Shortcuts 

Office 365 applications are compatible with an extensive series of keyboard shortcuts that can be used to navigate through tools in the suite. For a comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts per application in Office 365, visit Microsoft’s keyboard shortcut articles 

Screen Readers 

Office 365 is fully compatible with various screen readers. Applications in the suite are fully supported and optimized with Narrator, the screen reading application that is built into Windows 10. Office 365 applications can also be used with VoiceOver, the screen reading tool built into Mac and iOS devices. Android devices can also use TalkBack as a ScreenReader with Office365. 

Invert Colors 

Applications within Office 365 are responsive to changes in color contrast, as well as color inversion. This can increase the visibility and clarity of words and screen contents, as well as limit strain placed on eyes.  
