Below are the instructions on how to access your Office 365 email.
To access Office 365, students will sign in at
Please note: If you were an incoming student as of Spring 2022 you will login using your lastname(00) If you were a student prior to Spring 2022 you will login using your
Username: or Lastname(00)
Password: Office 365 Password
Click here for step by step instructions to access your Office 365 email account.
For students prior to Spring 2022: Even though you log into email using your this is not your email address. Your email address uses the following format: If you have a preferred first name, then your email will begin with that first initial of that name. To locate your email address, log in to Office 365 and open the Outlook application, go to My Account and select Personal Info; your email address will be displayed under Contact Details.
You can access all the Office applications within a web browser from here as well. (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Adobe Creative Cloud, &, etc.) You can also store, share, and collaborate on documents with fellow students and instructors with OneDrive.