Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD)
The Services for Students with Disabilities Office (SSD) coordinates support services and accommodations for students with a disability who self-identify and register with SSD. Disabilities include physical, psychological, and learning disabilities, and may be permanent or temporary. SSD works with faculty and staff to provide reasonable in-class and other campus accommodations for SSD students and to create awareness about disability-related issues. SSD provides a variety of services including advocacy for students, enhancement of student self-advocacy skills, access to adaptive equipment and software in a dedicated computer lab, free printing, and resource referrals. Students can start the easy 3-step registration process here.
All students with a disability are encouraged to contact SSD about services early. Deaf and hard of hearing students should contact the Manager of Interpreting Services as soon as they are admitted into Columbia to make the necessary arrangements for services via email at, or visit
Grievance Procedure for Students with Disabilities
If a Columbia student believes that they have been discriminated against because of a disability by any Columbia personnel, the student has the right to seek a review of such concerns. A student with a disability has the option of pursuing either an informal complaint or a formal grievance. If a student opts to pursue an informal complaint, the student may later pursue a formal grievance if not satisfied with the resolution of the informal process. A student who is uncertain about filing a official grievance may consult informally with the SSD Office or Columbia’s current 504 Coordinator:
Dean of Students | 623 S Wabash Ave., Room 303 | (312) 369-8595